WordPress database error: [Table 'appSandwich_1678208531.wp_cleantalk_sfw_personal_temp' doesn't exist]
INSERT INTO `wp_cleantalk_sfw_personal_temp` (network, mask, status) VALUES (2130706433, 4294967295, 1);

Swarthmore CO-OP Home Delivery – A Community-Owned Food Market Open To Everyone Since 1937
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Personal Shopping

Personal Shopping is available on:

Tuesday: home delivery and curbside pick-up (ordering is open Sunday at 5 PM – Monday at 11:59 PM)

Thursday: home delivery and curbside pick-up (ordering is open Tuesday at 5 PM – Wednesday at 11:59 PM)

If ordering is available at this time you will be able to place your order below. If ordering is available right now and you are not seeing a form please refresh this website page. You are seeing a cached version.